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Legal information

The www.cosma-parfumeries.com website is an e-commerce website that is available via the Internet. It provides perfumes, cosmetics and accessories for sale to Internet visitors browsing the site.



COSMA PARFUMERIES is a public limited company with capital of €1,216,600.00, registered with the Versailles Trade and Companies Register under number 384 736 666.

The Chairman of the Management Board is Guy PARIENTE.


Registered office

17 Route des Boulangers
78530 BUC
P +33 (0)1 86 83 84 88


Site host

8 rue de la Ville l'Evêque
75008 Paris
T: +33 (0)1 84 13 00 00


The www.cosma-parfumeries.com website has been registered with the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés under no. 1278928.
Publication manager: Guy PARIENTE.


Information technology and civil liberties/protection of personal data

COSMA PARFUMERIES collects information about you when you create your customer account (surname, first name, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number). This information enables us to track your purchases. This data is not passed on to third parties, but may be used to send you exclusive information and promotional offers from COSMA PARFUMERIES, which you can unsubscribe from at any time by clicking on the link provided. Only our company will receive the information you provide.


We are committed to ensuring the security of personal data through strict procedures within our company. For data collected "online", communications on the client side are encrypted between the Internet user's computer and our servers (HTTPS secure zone).


In accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 (amended by the Act of August 6, 2004 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data), you have the right to access, rectify or oppose any personal data collected about you. These rights may be exercised by contacting us at the following address contact@cosma-parfumeries.fr.


COSMA PARFUMERIES has a policy of not transferring data concerning its customers. COSMA PARFUMERIES is the sole recipient of the data you have transmitted to us.


We do not publish nominative data on our site with the exception of your first name and the first letter of your last name when you give a product review (this can be replaced by a pseudonym by filling in the field provided in your customer account).


We would also like to inform you that we use cookies. The information collected by cookies is strictly for internal use only and is never passed on to third parties. A cookie records information relating to your computer's browsing on our site (the pages you have consulted, the date and time of consultation, etc.) which we can read on your subsequent visits. If you do not accept this, you will not be able to proceed with your purchases. This information is stored on your computer for a maximum of one year.


Intellectual property rights

We inform you that any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, of this site, the logos and images that may appear on it, is forbidden without the express authorization of COSMA PARFUMERIES.